Top 10 Benefits of Having a Business Website
The #1 benefit of having a business website is that you are not at the mercy of Facebook's ever-changing rules, its rogue Artificial Intelligence, its censorship, its downtime due to hackers, its suspensions, and its limits.
Having a business website is a form of insurance that your online presence will not be swept out from under you overnight.
Why build a business on a shaky social media foundation?
Also the cost of owning a business website has decreased dramatically over the past 5 years - as did the hassles that were associated with website ownership and maintenance.
Having a business website is a form of insurance that your online presence will not be swept out from under you overnight.
Why build a business on a shaky social media foundation?
Also the cost of owning a business website has decreased dramatically over the past 5 years - as did the hassles that were associated with website ownership and maintenance.